Desperta Ferro
Segueu Arran
Label: Redstar 73
Released: Sep. 05, 2007
Desperta Ferro are a Left Wing Oi! band from Catalonia and despite singing in their native tongue they're well worth tracking down. Musically they aren't bad for an Oi! band - While they may not live upto the the early Oi! bands that influences them it's fair to say they're better than many Oi! bands doing the rounds these days. They don't shy away from politics either - If you use a translator on the net you can kinda work out what they're saying. Unless you speak their native tongue that is! In all there's thirteen tracks and I think I'm correct in saying there's only one cover of a Cocksparrer number. Not a bad album and it's cool to see an Oi! band putting some effort in with decent packaging too! Desperta Ferro come highly recommended so be sure to check them out! 8/10
street voice news
01 Nomes Hi Ha Un Cami
02 Terra De Guerres
03 1917
04 Fahrenheit 451
05 Inscrit En La Memoria
06 Almogauers
07 Consciencia De Classe
08 Bemba Bar
09 Angelets De La Terra
10 Som I Serem Cules
11 Vells Telers
12 Som Una Nacio
street voice news
01 Nomes Hi Ha Un Cami
02 Terra De Guerres
03 1917
04 Fahrenheit 451
05 Inscrit En La Memoria
06 Almogauers
07 Consciencia De Classe
08 Bemba Bar
09 Angelets De La Terra
10 Som I Serem Cules
11 Vells Telers
12 Som Una Nacio
Song Titles
- Només hi ha un Camí
- Terra de Guerrers
- 1917
- Fahrenheit 451
- Inscrit en la memòria
- Almogàvers
- Consciència de classe
- Bemba Bar
- Angelets De La Terra
- Som i serem culés
- Vells Telers
- Som una nació