The Briefs
Sex Objects
Label: BYO
Released: 2004
- LP 12,90 €
Their 77-style pop punk is loud, raucous and fierce, yet cohesive and hooky and hilarious. The Briefs are like a team of Chinese acrobats falling down the stairs on purpose. And when I say "pop" I mean popular in the broadest sense possible. The fifteen year-old mall hottie is a fan, but so is the 40 year-old stalwart with the pristine Undertones collection. Sure The Briefs wear their influences on their sleeve Adverts, Buzzcocks, Weirdos to name just a few -- but they cop to them like junkies caught tying off in the alley with a skinny tie. They can't help it. It's in their blood. Listen you'll understand. The groove is familiar but they've got a sound that's all their own and uniquely unique. Infectious? Once they get in your ear, there's no getting them out. The Briefs are mother fucking nerve agents for a diseased life.
Song Titles
- Orange Alert
- Halfsize Girl
- Destroy The Usa
- Ephedrine Blue
- So Stupid
- Sex Objects
- Killed By Ants
- No More Presidents
- Shoplifting At Macy's
- Mystery Pill
- Sally I Can't Go To The Beach
- Antisocial
- Vitamin Bomb
- Life Styles Of The Truly Lazy