Song Titles
- Too Radical
- State Of Fear
- Swastika Youth
- Killed by death
- Dirty 67
- Gonna cut myself
- BXHell
- Think For Your Next Meal
- Deathsquad
- Blue On The Streets
- tough, mean & rough
- fucked up
- Ready To Attack
- Bored Generation
- Minor Threat
- you deserve it
- Shove my fucking face in it
- I Rather Sk8 All Day
- Biochemical warfare
- skateboarding saves
- the fallout
- kicked in the teeth
- onward to destruction
- Boiling inside
- Dead by dawn
- LAPD can suck it
- fuck us all
- Acid rain
- Drink, Fight + Fuck (GG Allin)
- Gimmie Gimmie Gimmie (Black Flag)
- Skate and destroy
- Skate Of Ass
- ratrace
- scars
- Switch It Off
- Is what it is